Hello, my name is Sarah Nicholls and I am currently studying Primary/Middle school teaching at the University of South Australia. Within these studies I am also specializing in English and SOSE, two areas which I am extremely passionate about. I believe I am passionate about these areas because of own experiences while being at school. The teachers I had for these subjects were so encouraging, helpful and inspiring and made everything we learnt enjoyable allowing us to gain so much from every lesson. I can only hope that one day I will be as knowledgeable and inspiring, allowing m own students to love what they are learning.
Before University, home for me was 800kms North of Adelaide in a small country town where everyone knew everyone. I believe this aspect of my life has also inspired me to become a teacher as I can understand how disadvantaged rural students can be. I hope to one day be able to give something back to the town where I grew up and go back to be a teacher myself to continue to support students in rural and remote areas.
My chosen novel for week 1. |
This semester, I am studying the English course "English Language and Literacy." I am excited to be taking part in this course because as I said above I am very passionate about English. Within this course we are required to start a group blog. This blog will showcase my reading program which will include several posts with the literature that I have read. This week I decided to revisit the text I studied in year 12 English which was "My Sister's Keeper." written by Jodi Picoult. This novel for me was extremely moving and I loved how Picoult had written the book from several different characters perspectives. I felt I was able to really connect with each character because they were all given their own "personal" perspectives regarding the issue of Anna's fight against her family and Kate's cancer. Picoult's use of descriptive language and imagery allows the reader to build pictures in their mind about who the characters were, exactly what they were going through and how horrible it must have been for each of them. I believe that reading the text a couple of years on allows me to connect in a different way. As this illness has affected people around me in recent months, I feel a much more personal connection to the characters as I feel like I can relate to exactly what they are going through rather than just presuming and thinking that I do know what it is like. I still appreciate the different perspectives that Picoult has included in this novel, as I believe that when going through an issue like this, it is important to hear about how everyone is feeling, not just the "main" character. It will be interesting to explore more of Picoults work to see how her other books are written and whether or not I enjoy them as much as I did with My Sisters Keeper.
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