Monday 17 September 2012

Good Night, Me

Good Night, Me is written by Andrew Daddo and illustrated by Emma Quay.
Andrew Daddo has written books for all ages – picture books, chapter books, short story collections, young adult novels and adult non-fiction.
This story is about a little orangutan who is ready to go to sleep but instead of just laying there, waiting to fall asleep, he tells each of his body parts a good night.

He starts with his feet (for running)
Then his knees (for holding his legs together)
Then his legs (need rest for jumping tomorrow)
His stomach (which he doesnt want any noise from)
His bottom (to relax but not too much)
His chest (to keep breathing)
His hands (to let go)
His arms (to loosen)
His neck (to lay on the pillow)
His head (including ears - to stop listening and his nose)
His mouth (no more questions)
His eyes (look for dreams)

Andrew Daddo first wrote this book when he had to tell a bedtime story to his son, but from his head not from reading a book. So he resorted to going through with his son, saying good night to his body parts.

This book is great for younger children, as it can be a good relaxation book and children can get ideas for when they go to sleep.
This can also be incorporated into the classroom, with students writing about each body part and what they would say to the parts when going to sleep.

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