No more tricks now.
Settle down.
Snuggle up.
Sleep tight.
Nighty Night!
Wild has created an enriching and soothing bedtime story which utilizes
pre-reading elements, such as repetition, alliteration, animal sounds, and
patterning naturally within their narrative.
With much pleasure and entertainment, children are subtly learning even
as they are settling down for bed. The
story originates where many parents first begin their challenge at
bedtime: With children wildly energetic
and reluctant to settle down. Even after
the ruckus the children initially cause, the parents gently redirect them and
meet their bedtime needs. Young
listeners will enjoy the trick the baby animals play and identify with their
bedroom routines. The illustrations
by Kerry Argent begin with much energy but transition well into
placid and tender images.
This book is suitable for students in the early years and could be used
in a shared reading programme and has several learning opportunities especially
for the early years. The book may also be more meaningful if the book is read
at home and by parents.
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